Tuesday, January 5, 2010

life advice to my junior cousin begets a quarter life crisis

I am NOT getting old Missy -- your early to mid-20's are where it's at.

you finally shed the highschool bullshit that inevitably follows you halfway through college... and you start hitting those milestones like buying alcohol legally, choosing a spouse, starting to make real money, and tossing around baby names to entertain yourself in traffic. 

Then again, I'm 23 - i just finished college and am taking a year off to "find myself"... old will be when I look back on this year of my life and shake my head at my naively idealistic and overly capricious attempts to change the world. Either that, or old will be when I have changed the world and am laughing about my yuppie years all the way to the bank. 

Is my present youth exemplified by the fact that I still believe in the "OR" part of the scenario? Or by the palpable truth that I wax existentially philosophical about everything?

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